Participatory science communication

Inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation at the interface of participation and design

Fraunhofer UMSICHT sees participatory science communication as an important component of responsible science. The understanding of scientific working methods on the one hand and the awareness of the questions and needs of society on the other hand are fundamental for a dialog with society in the sense of democratic coexistence. Therefore, we rely on participatory methods and inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration with designers in the development of dialog formats.

Fraunhofer UMSICHT has been engaged in participatory science communication since 2013. The goal: to promote direct exchange between society and science in the sense of experience-based learning. We create space for active participation in discourses on new technologies and developments. Through a low-threshold approach, we arouse curiosity in order to facilitate an exchange at eye level after a deeper dive into the topic. Personal questions and a critical examination of the content are explicitly encouraged. 

In the meantime, we have developed and tested various formats that play on different levels of participation and, according to our experience, can be used well in combination. For conceptualization and implementation we use design methods (design thinking, models, prototyping,..) and often work closely with designers and artists. They can create spaces of experience, translate between disciplines and society, enable new approaches with aesthetics and simplify complex content through models. This enables references to the own life reality of the involved target groups and facilitates the access to complex topics.


Formats of participatory science communication | Reference projectsPlaces of participatory science communication | Project partners

Formats of participatory science communication

  • In workshops, participants acquire both new skills and new knowledge. They become active themselves and create something with their own hands. The open atmosphere, a possible reference to everyday life, the (shared) enthusiasm for the topic and the exchange among each other enable an informal entry – even to complex and/or ambivalent topics. Additionally, exchange of opinions as well as first deeper discussions can arise and be promoted. Workshops are also a good introduction to other formats. 

    Possible applications

    • informal, low-threshold introduction to complex and/or ambivalent topics 
    • transfer of knowledge and skills 
    • dialog  
    • empowerment 
    • optional: community building

    Number of participants 

    • up to 15 people
    © Roland Baege
  • In digital workshops, participants acquire new skills under guidance. In the process, they become active themselves and create something. Digital workshops also enable an informal introduction to complex and/or ambivalent topics through everyday relevance and (shared) enthusiasm. However, this format brings with it special challenges: Since both the physical proximity and the personal exchange on the sidelines of the event are missing, the typical workshop atmosphere is lost. In order to ensure a sense of togetherness even in the digital space, there are various approaches – from sending out "workshop packages" to targeted exchange sessions. Another challenge: exchanges of opinion and initial in-depth discussions emerge less quickly in digital workshops. They must therefore be consciously encouraged. A good technical setting is also central to the smooth running of the workshop. Digital workshops are also suitable as an introduction to other formats. 

    Possible applications

    • informal, low-threshold introduction to complex and or ambivalent topics 
    • transfer of knowledge and skills 
    • dialog 
    • empowerment 
    • optional: community building 

    Number of participants 

    • 15 to 30 people depending on the type of workshop 
    Digitale Workshops
  • Exhibitions can be used to convey knowledge in a vivid way. Every visitor has the opportunity to grasp content at his or her individual pace. Even if exhibitions are classically rather one-directional, interactive elements can encourage people to share their own points of view or even participate in research themselves. These elements can be analog, digital, hybrid, or even entirely personal through conversation.

    Possible applications

    • knowledge transfer
    • receive feedback 

    Number of participants 

    • unlimited 
    Interaktive Ausstellung
    © Judith Schanz
  • Discourse formats offer a platform for a dialog-oriented exchange between science and society. Through personal discussions with experts, participants can develop a deeper understanding of scientific concepts and topics. At the same time, dialog and discourse formats can help scientists to better understand and take into account the perspectives and needs of the target groups involved. They can be conducted both in person and digitally. In both variants, moderation supports the exchange and articulation of positions.

    Possible applications

    • knowledge transfer 
    • strengthen understanding of scientific work
    • receive feedback 
    • dialog
    • enable participation
    • citizen science

    Number of participants 

    • depending on format up to 15 people
    Dialog- und Diskursformate
    © Frank Vinken | dwb
  • For micro expeditions, we develop content and instructions that enable participants to individually explore or rediscover their unknown or (supposedly) familiar surroundings. Simple methods make it possible to take a new perspective with little preparation and to become discoverers. During each microexpedition, new phenomena can be observed and connections made visible. 

    One focus is on teaching scientific working methods. In this way, participants can learn in a playful way why it is important to repeat experiments and observations, compare data, critically question them and exchange ideas. The microexpeditions are designed in such a way that they are accessible to as many people as possible without much effort. They can be conducted alone or as guided microexpeditions. The latter also allow direct exchange with scientists. 

    Possible applications

    • awakening enthusiasm for scientific work 
    • provide an understanding of scientific work 
    • opening eyes to phenomena in one's own environment 
    • knowledge transfer
    • citizen science

    Number of participants 

    • up to 25 people 
  • Thematic framework programs (e.g., a guided tour through a botanical garden) can be a low-threshold way to introduce people to topics that would otherwise be difficult to reach. The content can be used to draw attention to commonalities or connections between the central topic. Framework programs are well suited as an introduction to other formats or as an initial way of raising awareness and providing information. An initial exchange of opinions is also possible. The framework program can be designed as a fixed event, as a format "in passing" (e.g., tasting of fermented foods on the topic of fermentation) or also digitally (e.g., as a livestream).

    Possible applications 

    • informal, low-threshold introduction to complex and or ambivalent topics 
    • reaching new target groups
    • knowledge transfer

    Number of participants 

    • format-dependent 
    © Dimitrij Haak
  • With the help of instructions or do-it-yourself (DIY) packages, people can acquire knowledge, contexts and, for example, an understanding of scientific work. The format can be implemented both digitally and analogously. The users slip into the roles of scientists themselves, go on excursions, for example, or grow their own biomaterials. 

    Lab@Home is particularly suitable for getting users excited about topics and giving them a small insight into the work of scientists. Ideally, they receive additional information about further research options and the opportunity to exchange ideas with scientists and other users. DIY formats can also encourage users to actively participate in citizen science research projects themselves. 

    Possible applications

    • informal, low-threshold introduction to complex and/or ambivalent topics 
    • provide an understanding of scientific work 
    • empowerment 
    • citizen science

    Number of participants 

    • depending on material 
    Lab Home
  • The look behind the scenes allows a direct insight into practical scientific work. In the rooms where research is carried out on a daily basis, the participants get a feel for the working reality of scientists*. Science not only opens its doors, but also figuratively opens itself to enable a closer exchange with society. The behind-the-scenes look can be combined with guided tours, workshops, or dialog and discourse formats to focus the exchange even more. 

    Possible applications 

    • topic entry
    • strengthen understanding of scientific work
    • receive feedback 
    • dialog
    • informal, low-threshold introduction to complex and or ambivalent topics 

    Number of participants 

    • depending on the room maximum 15 people

Reference projects



Microexpeditions on climate change

Microexpeditions on climate change were developed and tested in close cooperation with experts. The microexpedition planner now gives anyone interested the opportunity to become an explorer themselves and follow in the footsteps of scientists.


Old acquaintances

Bioeconomy for a sustainable everyday life

Bioeconomy was debated on a tour of Germany. "Old acquaintances" - everyday or forgotten things like sauerkraut, wine or compost - created an introduction to the diverse topics of the bioeconomy via exhibition and do-it-yourself workshops.


Prototype Nature

Biology meets design and technology

The two-day conference and exhibition has so far been held on "Biology as a Starting Point in Design, Art and Technology" and "Bionics, Sustainable Consumption and Production, Artificial Ecosystems, Systems Analysis, Scenarios, Understanding Nature."


Farming the Uncanny Valley

Discourse about bioeconomy and biotechnology

In the project »Farming the Uncanny Valley – MACHT NATUR« Fraunhofer UMSICHT develops new participation concepts together with partners in order to bring citizens and scientists together concerning bioeconomy.


Innovative Citizen (IC)

Events for a more democratic technology

The Innovative Citizen Festival aims to enable citizens to actively participate in current technological developments and the discourse on them. The event took place from 2014 to 2019, with additional formats such as workshops and discourse events.




The aim of the funding project is to strengthen technical education, inventive performance and entrepreneurial thinking. A place is created that encourages the development of technical solutions and thus generates forward-looking concepts and products. 


Artist in Lab

Material performance using living substances

The communication of science in the form of materials development and product design in art and design is the approach of this research cooperation. In the context of artistic research, the focus is on various materials


Artist in Lab

Prototypes of the lowest common denominator

Rolf Brändle explored in his “Designer in Lab” project together with Sabrina Schreiner from Fraunhofer UMSICHT the possibilities offered by modeling practices in research processes beyond their usual application in product development.

Places of participatory science communication


In addition to the institute in Oberhausen, Fraunhofer UMSICHT occupies other locations in the Ruhr region where science communication can be implemented. Of course, our formats can also take place at all other locations.

Decentral Dortmund

The glass laboratory for future question

At the Dezentrale, visitors have the opportunity to get to know science in the midst of real materials research. Located in the heart of Dortmund's Unionviertel district, research and debate take place in a relaxed backyard atmosphere on the premises of a former car repair shop. From materials made from mushrooms to energy generation with balcony power plants, scientific content is addressed in a way that is close to the people. 

Idea development

Supermarket of ideas

In the middle of downtown Oberhausen, the premises of a supermarket are transformed into a place where citizens can actively participate in shaping their city. The open workshop enables the practical implementation of ideas, and discussion rounds with experts provide impetus for the development of ideas and discourse. The Supermarket of Ideas is part of the Kreativ.Quartier Oberhausen and thrives on open exchange between disciplines. 

Artist in Lab

Tiny House Lab

A rolling real laboratory was created as part of the e:lab project. The Tiny House Lab offers the possibility to present educational content. It can be used as a "white canvas", but also creates the framework for presenting all areas that are familiar from the home (kitchen, living and sleeping areas, bathroom, office) in a small space. If necessary, everyday references can be made in this way. The unusual appearance of the Tiny House Laboratory attracts attention and draws interested visitors.