Development and manufacturing of components and stacks for electrolyzers and fuel cells

Your challenge: Manufacturing electrolysis and fuel cell systems for industrial applications

If electrolysis and fuel cell systems are to be used on an industrial scale, there are still a number of challenges to overcome – from high material and production costs to increased efficiency and scalability. In concrete terms, for example, new catalysts need to be developed – free of precious metals and based on freely available raw materials. With regard to cells, higher efficiencies and lower power consumption must be achieved, while the focus for stacks should be on alternative processes for more cost-effective production.

Our solution: Innovative and customized electrolysis and fuel cell technologies

From coated membranes to membrane-based cells and stacks: We supply innovative and customized electrolysis and fuel cell technologies for industrial applications. Our range includes:

  • Design and development of electrochemical reactors (flow and non-flow): electrolysis (PEM, AEM, bipolar), CO2 electrolysis, electroorganic reactions, bioelectrochemical processes (e.g. wastewater treatment) and fuel cells
  • Characterization of electrochemical reactors and components
    • Equipment: test stations up to 1000 A
  • Material and component development and fabrication for electrolysis and fuel cells (conductive compounds, membrane electrode units, catalysts)
    • Equipment: cryogenic grinding system for processing the input materials; compounding:
      twin screw and Buss co-kneader, powder mixer, multi-roller mill, laser transmission welding system, hot press, ultrasonic spray coating, slot die coating
  • Material and component tests for electrolysis and fuel cells
    • Ex-situ equipment: conductivity, mechanical stability, permeability, test stations (fuel cell, battery, electrolysis)
  • Evaluation of electrolysis technologies: multi-criteria analysis and evaluation of both individual technologies and entire systems, economic feasibility studies, performance analyses and site evaluations

How you work with us

  • Analytical orders: measurement, testing of cells/stacks or cell/stack components (membrane electrode assemblies, porous transport layers, gas diffusion layers, bipolar plates, catalysts, membranes, etc. – from watt to kilowatt scale).
  • Development of accelerated degradation protocols for electrolyzers
  • joint (public and bilateral) projects for the development of stack components or stacks

A look at our projects



Designing the PEM electrolysis of tomorrow

Fraunhofer UMSICHT is developing a novel stack design for PEM electrolysis based on composite bipolar foils. The stack design is to be manufactured exclusively from thermoplastic cell components using conventional joining processes.



Develop materials for future hydrogen technologies

The cooperation platform "Materials for future hydrogen technologies" – MAT4HY.NRW for short – brings together research institutions and companies to develop cost-effective materials for hydrogen electrolysis.



Energy-efficient electrosynthesis of alcohols

Power-to-x processes are needed to use CO2 as a sustainable raw material. ElkaSyn therefore focuses on a one-step process in which carbon dioxide and water are converted to methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol.

Further Information

Material and component development for electrolysis processes

to the product sheet

From basic research to industrial application: Why marketable concepts of catalysts, electrodes and cells are still in short supply – and what needs to change

to the press release of 14.04.2021