To ensure that planetary needs of today are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own; we have to reassess our way of life, our current production systems and our resource consumption. Our aim is to enable our customers to contribute to sustainable development through their actions and decisions.
We prepare customized sustainability strategies, help to close loops in the circular economy and to assess the sustainability of products, processes, and services. We support you with sustainability driven innovation processes through active stakeholder engagement, and new formats of citizen involvement. This way sustainable innovations can be realized.
In collaboration with environmental scientists, engineers and sustainability management professionals we carry out ecological, economic and social evaluations of products, services, and organizational footprints. We provide decision making support in sustainable product development. For this purpose we use life cycle assessment (LCA) and social impact assessment tools, feasibility studies, and strategic analysis tools.
Our topics are urban concepts, potential studies, efficient resources management as well as strategical studies. We focus on current and future challenges of society. We investigate the spatial layout of urban, industrial, and natural areas. We plan the intelligent use of raw materials, develop methods and strategies to align urban areas for the future. We engage stakeholders and present potentials, interactions and material flows spatially with the help of geographic information systems.
We integrate user and stakeholder perspectives into product development and research projects focusing on bioeconomy, demographic change, digitalization and circular economy. We offer access to user-centered innovations with our design-oriented workshops, our stakeholder management methods and formats, which are open to citizens.
Information material of the department Sustainability and Participation | Reference projects of the department Sustainability and Participation