Press releases, interviews and news

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Bett and Prof. Dr. Christian Doetsch will take office as the new dual leadership of the Fraunhofer Energy Alliance on July 1, 2024. Both are institute directors at their home institutes, the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg and the Fraunhofer Institute for Envi-ronmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT in Oberhausen. Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Henning, who heads Fraunhofer ISE together with Prof. Andreas Bett, did not stand for re-election after seven successful years in office.

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  • Group »Energy Technologies and Climate Protection« of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft / 2024

    Massive cuts in research funding hamper necessary innovations in key technologies for the energy transition

    Press release / June 18, 2024

    Kürzung Forschungsförderung

    The year 2024 is characterised by a substantial reduction in federal funding for project research. Energy research is particularly affected by this. A 30 % reduction in available funding for new projects is looming, compared to the previous year. Against this backdrop, the Fraunhofer-Group »Energy Technologies and Climate Protection« is warning of a massive decline in German industry's ability to innovate in technologies for the energy transition. Nine institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are organised in the group, which play a key role in driving forward application-oriented energy research.

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  • IFAT 2024 / 2024

    Circulating water

    Press release / May 08, 2024

    Schwingfiltermodul zur effiktiven Abwasseraufbereitung

    Under the motto "Water reuse for a sustainable future", Fraunhofer UMSICHT is presenting various technologies for water recycling and wastewater treatment at this year's IFAT in Munich. The focus is on the improved separation of pollutants and greater resource and energy efficiency.

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  • Life cycle assessment / 2024

    Coffee milk in the catering industry: Reusable or portion packaging

    Press release / May 03, 2024

    A new EU regulation* provides for a ban on small individual packaging made from disposable plastic for coffee creamers. These consist of a polystyrene base film and an aluminum lid, both of which are usually incinerated after use. An alternative in the hospitality industry, e.g. in bakeries, cafés or in the travel sector, are reusable solutions. Fraunhofer UMSICHT carried out a life cycle assessment for the company frischli Milchwerke to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of reusable solutions such as ceramic jugs or thermos flasks compared to individual packaging.

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  • Decarbonization / 2024

    Contributing to the energy transition by making cooling supply systems more flexible

    Press release / April 16, 2024

    Kick-off für das Projekt FlexBlue
    © Fraunhofer UMSICHT

    By making cooling supply systems more flexible, CO2 emissions can be reduced by 22 to 39 percent and electricity procurement costs by 35 to 54 percent. Fraunhofer UMSICHT came to this conclusion in the "FlexKaelte" project. At the same time, the researchers found that there are still a number of obstacles and hurdles on the way to flexibilization – from concerns about possible losses in cooling quality and a lack of information regarding the achievable economic potential to the question of how cooperation between the various players can be structured. How these obstacles can be overcome is the focus of the follow-up project "FlexBlue", for which the institute has joined forces with a number of partners.

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  • Green Hydrogen / 2024

    "We need to test hydrogen technologies and put them into practice"

    Interview / April 04, 2024

    Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Stießel und Dr.-Ing. Esther Stahl sprachen im Interview über den Aufbau einer Wasserstoffwirtschaft.

    Green Hydrogen is one of Fraunhofer UMSICHT's key research topics. In this interview, Dr.-Ing. Esther Stahl and Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Stießel discuss the role of green hydrogen in making our economy climate neutral. They highlight both challenges and opportunities and explain how our scientists can support the development of a hydrogen economy – from the production, use and storage of green hydrogen to the evaluation of systems and locations where hydrogen is to be used.

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  • Circular Economy / 2024

    Evolution of synthetic rubber: bio-based raw materials and new types of rubber

    Press release / April 03, 2024

    Neuartige, biobasierte Kautschuktypen sollen künftig Autoreifen mit bisher unerreichten Eigenschaften ermöglichen.
    © Fraunhofer IAP, Foto: Till Budde

    Synthetic rubber is indispensable today, especially for car tires and technical rubber goods. Until now, the raw materials for its production have largely been obtained from fossil sources. Under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP, four Fraunhofer Institutes are now developing alternative, biobased raw material sources for synthetic rubber, which will enable completely new types of rubber for car tires. The three-year project is being funded by Fraunhofer with 3.25 million euros and starts in April 2024.

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  • Heat transition / 2024

    How municipalities design and successfully implement their heat planning across sectors

    Press release / March 21, 2024

    Kick-off zum Start des Verbundvorhabens »KommWPlanPlus – Forschungs- und Entwicklungscluster zur Verknüpfung von kommunaler Wärmeplanung mit der Umsetzungsplanung von integralen Maßnahmen im Quartier«.
    © Fraunhofer UMSICHT

    The "Heat Planning and Decarbonization of Heating Networks Act" came into force on January 1st, 2024. This requires Germany's municipalities to undertake a municipal heat planning by developing strategies for the conversion of their energy supply to renewable energies and unavoidable waste heat. The partners in the newly launched joint project "KommWPlanPlus" are focusing on how these plans can be designed across sectors and successfully implemented in practice.

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  • Life cycle assessment / 2024

    More environmentally friendly flame retardants for e-mobility and electronics

    Press release / March 20, 2024

    The demand for electronic devices is increasing worldwide. Each of them contains flame retardants - to prevent fires and ultimately save lives. Brominated flame retardants are widely used, but in addition to their fire-retardant function, some of them have harmful effects on the environment and health and cannot currently be recycled. Organophosphorus flame retardants are a possible alternative. However, comparative life cycle studies on this type of flame retardant are still lacking. The Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Energy and Safety Technology UMSICHT has now investigated the environmental impact of organophosphorus flame retardants compared to brominated flame retardants in plastic components such as charging plugs for electric cars or USB-C connectors for the first time in a comparative life cycle assessment commissioned by Clariant.

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  • Önline platform for heat transformation tools and measures
    © Shutterstock/Composing Fraunhofer UMSICHT

    In future, Germany's municipalities will be required to submit concepts and strategies for climate-neutral heating. This is the aim of the law on municipal heating planning planned for 2024. The aim is to transform the supply of space heating, hot water and process heat to a greenhouse gas-neutral system. In order to record heating demands, identify local potentials and develop a corresponding action plan, each municipality must take its own individual path. Best-practice examples and tools for drafting the heat transition provide orientation and assistance. This is where Fraunhofer UMSICHT and the municipal utility network Arbeitsgemeinschaft für sparsame Energie- und Wasserverwendung (ASEW) are working on a joint project: They want to evaluate and characterize existing tools and measures and make them available to heating market players via an online platform.

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