Green Hydrogen: Materials and processes for the electrochemical production, utilization and storage of green hydrogen

Green hydrogen plays a crucial role in making our economy climate-neutral – whether as a storage medium for renewable energies, as a raw material for industrial processes or as a substitute for fossil fuels. At the same time, the necessary transformation presents companies with major challenges. For example, with regard to reliable and efficient technologies for the production of hydrogen or the infrastructure for its production, storage, distribution and use.

This is where our scientists come in. We are working on the industrialization of electrolysis and are focusing on materials and processes for the electrochemical production, use and storage of green hydrogen: On the one hand, we design and build electrolysers and fuel cells. On the other hand, we develop processes for the conversion and reconversion of hydrogen into chemical storage systems such as ammonia and methanol. We also provide support in the evaluation of systems and locations where hydrogen is to be used.

Which questions we support you with

Further topics

Catalysts for industrial use

We support research institutions and companies in testing and screening catalysts. We also focus on the preparation and development of catalysts.

Direct resistance heating of chemical reactors

We develop catalysts and reactors for sustainable chemical processes.

Hydrogen as a building block for regional energy systems

We develop regional and sustainable hydrogen concepts.

Industrialization of electrolysers and fuel cells

Development of new systems and materials for electrolysers and fuel cells


Publications with focus on Green Hydrogen

Selected publications on Green Hydrogen

Here you will find a few highlights from our publications on the focus topic of Green Hydrogen. More comprehensive information on our publications – including on Carbon Management, Circular Economy and Local Energy Systems – can be found on our publications page.

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