The core of the department is the product-related development, modification and functionalization of material systems. The focus is on plastics and natural materials such as leather, wood and stone. Our range of services includes coating and particle technology as well as compounding, crushing and adding various materials. Our long-standing expertise is the use of compressed carbon dioxide as a solvent and dispersing agent. With an eye to industrial feasibility, we will accompany you from laboratory scale to industrial scale.
By modifying or incorporating functional additives, we tailor material systems for innovative applications in the construction sector. Examples include self-repairing polymer and sealing systems, microcapsules, hollow microspheres, impregnated building materials, organometallic functional materials, and substrates for greening and mossing. One of the unique selling points is the operation of testing facilities to weather materials with regard to biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion.
We develop and functionalize a wide range of materials from polymers to natural materials such as leather. The focus of our work is the use of compressed carbon dioxide for material impregnation, monomer or natural substance extraction and as a carbon source for mineralization and the production of valuable organic products. Other core competencies are the addition of additives to plastics, the functionalization of polymer surfaces and the customized production of powders for various applications by cryogenic comminution. Our process developments range from the laboratory to industrial scale.
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