Local Energy Systems: Concepts and technologies for transforming the energy supply of districts and industry

Whether adapting to the effects of climate change, ensuring energy security for your production site or achieving energy and CO2 savings targets to make your company competitive: there are many reasons to convert the energy supply of districts and industrial sites to renewable energies and low-carbon systems and to improve their energy efficiency. However, those who tackle the transformation of their local energy system must also face many challenges: For example, the integration of renewable energy often requires the adaptation, conversion or redesign of existing infrastructures as well as the development and integration of new solutions for energy storage and distribution. The multitude of local and operational conditions, framework parameters and technological options make a holistic analysis and planning necessary in order to reduce investment costs and maximize benefits. At the same time, it is important to gain the support and acceptance of your stakeholders – be they affected communities, companies, your employees or tenants.

Our scientists support you in solving these challenges. For example, by developing energy concepts for climate-neutral commercial and industrial sites and residential areas. This includes modeling local energy systems with regard to the generation, storage, distribution and use of electricity, gas, heat, cooling, steam and compressed air. We combine this systemic expertise with coordinated technological focuses: the development and implementation of solutions for the thermochemical conversion of biogenic residues, industrial high-temperature heat pumps, latent heat and battery storage and processes for the production of innovative insulation materials. Our portfolio also includes the analysis and integration of stakeholders to maximize the success of your transformation projects.

Further topics


We have been working for many years on (decentralized) solutions for the processing of biomass, its conversion into energy-dense intermediate and end products and its subsequent use as an energy source as well as a material.

High temperature heat storage systems

Metallic heat storage systems can store process heat and make the generation of process steam in industrial power plants more flexible.

Material testing under the influence of biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion

Participation and stakeholder engagement

We shape transformation processes – participatory and creative.

Performance Center DYNAFLEX®

The aim of the performance center is to be able to plan future-proof production systems. 

Sustainable buildings and infrastructure development

Accelerating the energy transition in the neighborhood

New energy and heat supply concepts are implemented and tested in existing residential quarters. 

Combustion technology and emission reduction

We develop, optimize and test combustion processes and combustion plants.

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