Material testing under the influence of biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion

Your challenge: Find resistant materials under the influence of biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion

Biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion (BSC) is a type of damage that occurs primarily in sewer systems, but also in biogas plants, for example. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria such as acidophilic thiobacilli are responsible for the damaging process. These bacteria excrete a strong mineral acid as part of their metabolism, causing a biological and chemical attack on the materials. Gaining knowledge about the BSC resistance of materials – such as mortar, concrete or plastics – is a challenge faced by many building material manufacturers, plant operators and manufacturers, and an important basis for both material development and the planning and construction of long-term resistant systems. 

Our solution: Accelerated BSC material testing under controlled conditions via BioThio®

We support you in testing materials based on our nearly 20 years of experience. In our globally unique BioThio® system, we can expose materials to accelerated weathering under practical conditions – using hydrogen sulfide, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and controlled environmental conditions. This provides you with information on the resistance and targeted further development of your materials:

  • Accelerated, reproducible, biological-chemical simulation of material attack
  • Accompanying microbial analysis (in cooperation with Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH, Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology, Hamburg)
  • Reliable and experienced personnel

How to work with us

Does your company have a specific analytical question or do you want to test a material under practical conditions and under the influence of biogenic sulfuric acid corrosion? If so, please contact us with your research or development question. We will discuss how we can successfully support your company with our know-how and infrastructure. The size of your company is irrelevant: our teams provide research and development services to small companies just as professionally as to medium-sized or large companies.

By the way: Our test campaigns start continuously. Depending on your needs and requirements, we can create and execute customized campaigns for you. We are happy to advise you!

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