Climate-neutral energy systems for industry

Your challenge: Meeting industrial energy requirements in a climate-neutral and sustainable way

Whether it be for process heat, electricity, compressed air, or cooling: companies in the paper, food, beverage and chemical industries have particularly high energy requirements. Existing energy systems need to be adapted or redesigned to meet these requirements in a climate-neutral way while maintaining energy and planning security as well as competitiveness: For example, one might ask how can the integration of renewable energy sources succeed? What influence do different system components have on your CO2 reduction targets? And how does a new energy system affect your existing production system? Answering these questions can be a highly complex and time-consuming process in which new technologies and solutions must be considered just as much as site-specific conditions.

Our solution: A transformation plan for your energy system

We have the expertise to holistically manage this process and provide you with independent and scientifically neutral support in the transformation of your specific energy systems. Our services range from conceptualization, simulation, and evaluation to neutral assessment in preparation for investment decisions. In concrete terms:

  • We analyze the current status of your energy supply and, based on this, develop a transformation concept specific to your company– including a technical, thermodynamic and economic evaluation of the identified measures.
  • We implement custom simulation models to map your site's energy supply system – either static or dynamic, depending on the complexity of the issues at hand. We also develop and analyze different energy supply scenarios. If necessary, we utilize scenario analysis as a basis to optimize the interaction between your generation systems, your energy requirements, and any restrictions imposed by the market.


Your benefits:

  • Neutral concept for your sustainable energy supply
  • Basis for climate-neutral products and services
  • Sound basis for investment decisions

How you can work with us

You can commission us directly to develop an individual transformation concept for a climate-neutral design of your energy systems. Depending on the size of your company, up to 60 percent of the costs can be subsidized through funding programs such as BAFA EEW Module 5 or progress.NRW Klimaschutztechniken. Based on your needs and requirements, we will also bring in the necessary specialist expertise from our network or yours.

A look at our projects


Paper drying

Process steam from deep geothermal energy

Paper manufacturing is one of the most energy-intensive industries. The enormous amounts of energy and heat needed to dry the paper webs are still provided today to a large extent by fossil fuels. The "Kabel ZERO" project is investigating how the required process steam can be generated using renewable heat from deep geothermal energy.


Steam Turbocharger

Coupling steam and compressed air networks

How industrial companies can halve both, their primary energy consumption and their CO2 emissions when generating compressed air.

Further topics