
Carbon2Chem® subproject L-0

***Please note: Carbon2Chem® is entering its third phase. This page will be updated accordingly. It currently contains information from the second project phase.***


Work in phase 1

Fraunhofer UMSICHT was involved in bringing together the results of the individual subprojects into an overall system within the subproject L0 “System Integration” in the first four years of Carbon2Chem®. As part of this, evidence was provided with regard to technical feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. A further central element of the subproject was the view of the planned cross-industrial network. A simulation platform was set up for the entire system during the first project phase, which allowed processes to be considered at different levels of detail. The platform makes it possible to link up process models from various simulation systems. These simulations provided the other subprojects with important aspects in terms of shaping the product selection, process logistics, and process control. Organizationally and in terms of content, Fraunhofer UMSICHT supported the collaboration across all subprojects with topic-related communities.

Aims for phase 2

In the second project term, the work will once again focus on bringing together the activities from the other subprojects. To this end, the communities from the first project phase will be supplemented and continued on various topics in order to promote interaction across subprojects. The joint work serves, among other things, to detail the process-related concepts and thus develop the basis for implementing the plant network on an industrial scale. Together with subproject L-I, the survey space will be expanded with regard to the CO2 sources used with the associated infrastructure. Based on the results from the first phase and the experimental data from the laboratory and technical center, the available process concepts will be developed and optimized from process-related, energetic, and sustainable perspectives from the viewpoint of the overall system. The comparative system evaluation is used to create various basic concepts for use in a range of industrial sectors.

Information material Carbon2Chem® subproject "System-Integration"

Subproject L-0


Project structure

Carbon2Chem® brings together basic research, applied research and industries. A look at the structure of this collaboration.

Project contents

Information on the two funding phases

 Partners in subproject L-O
Management at Fraunhofer UMSICHT Dipl.-Phys. Thorsten Wack
Competence of the department Information Technology
Partners Fraunhofer UMSICHT
MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion
Siemens Energy AG
Overall management of the subproject
thyssenkrupp AG

Interviews on the subproject “System-Integration“


Scientist / 14.9.2023

Thorsten Wack

"Mathematical modeling and simulation are elementary tools in system integration."


Subproject Manager / 19.7.2023

Florian Haakmann

Subproject leader "L-0 System Integration"