Plastics in the environment

From sustainability assessment and systematic consideration to technical solution approaches

Plastics in the environment are a big problem for our ecosystems. We assume that the amounts of macro- and micro-plastics will increase in the future due to their long-term environmental stability. Existing knowledge gaps must be closed, plastic emissions reduced, and solutions developed.

Solutions and services of Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Due to the interdisciplinary cooperation of several departments at Fraunhofer UMSICHT, we are looking at the topic “Plastics in the environment” from different perspectives: We can carry out sustainability assessments and systemic analyses as well as offer technical solutions using optimized process and filter techniques or tailor-made bio-based plastics.

Unique selling points

Our many years of experience and our versatile competences give us different perspectives on the topic. In this way, we can differentiate between plastics and their environmental fate and work out ways of avoiding them. Our technical equipment allows us to perform a variety of laboratory tests and analyses, from product development to subsequent product evaluation. In addition, we can advise you technically and strategically on plastics in the environment.

How you can work with us

If you are interested in bilateral contract research, publicly funded collaborative projects and consortium studies, strategic consulting, product development or process optimization, Jürgen Bertling will gladly be available to you as a Business Developer in the Environment business unit.


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Reference projects around plastics in the environment



Tire and road wear particles in Germany

The spread of tire and road wear particles in Germany is being investigated, modeled and presented in the "TyreWearMapping" project. The researchers use comprehensive mobility, geo and weather data from the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) for this.



Accounting of plastics in the environment

Estimation of a plastics budget and development of methods for impact assessment of plastics in the environment for life cycle assessment This is a quantitative basis for future political decision-making processes.



Filters for textile microfibers

The development of a filter module for washing machines is intended to reduce microplastic emissions from textiles during washing in order to protect the environment. During development, bio-based materials and biological models will particularly be taken into account.



Identification and quantification of plastic films used in agriculture

Method development for the identification and quantification of microplastics and agricultural plastics in soils and their effect on soil ecosystems, with focus on mulch films.