DARE2CYCLE: Biorefinery in the dairy industry

Making the European protein supply more independent while contributing to a more sustainable and resilient dairy and agricultural sector

Sustainability of protein sources

Strengthening food safety by minimizing dependence on imports

Project goals: shooting alternative protein sources

As part of "DARE2CYCLE", we are working with international partners to develop a biorefinery platform that enables the recovery of carbon and nutrients from dairy industry side streams (e.g. cheese whey, whey permeate), milk waste and liquid manure. The aim is to upgrade these substances to microbial protein (MP), which can be used as an alternative feed and food protein additive and as a basis for bioplastics in food packaging. The basis for this is to be provided by a modular process that can be adapted depending on the waste stream and the desired resource. In future, the process will produce highly concentrated nutrient solutions that are free from pathogens and impurities and meet the quality requirements for MP production.

Project benefits: becoming less dependent on imports

The European Union is facing the challenge of meeting the high demand for protein-rich products. The supply of these products is essential for food safety and the development of innovative bio-based non-food applications. To minimize dependence on imports and strengthen self-sufficiency in protein, the dairy industry and the Agriculture and Food Industry must become more sustainable, circular and resilient. By converting carbon- and nitrogen-rich waste from the dairy industry into alternative protein sources, the European protein gap is to be closed and fertilizer efficiency increased at the same time.

Project partners of DARE2CYCLE

  • EniferBIO
  • King’s College London
  • University of Galway
  • University of Naples Federico II
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  • Fraunhofer UMSICHT



Duration: April 2024 to May 2027

Funding code: 031B1512

Funding information: “DARE2CYCLE” is funded via the Green ERA-Hub funding measure.

Website: www.bmbf.de, www.greenerahub.eu/