"Flex Work also means being on site and engaging in a creative exchange with the team"

Interview /

Choosing the place and time of work depending on the respective task, personal situation and (of course) the legal and collective bargaining regulations – this has been possible at Fraunhofer UMSICHT since 2020 under the keyword "Flex Work". The corresponding company agreement has now been updated. In this interview, Medi van Rheinberg and Jana Rolshoven from our HR department reveal what has changed for employees and what experiences the institute has had with flexible working so far.

Medi van Rheinberg und Jana Rolshoven
© Fraunhofer UMSICHT/Felix Homann
Medi van Rheinberg (l, Head of department Human Resources), and Jana Rolshoven (r., Personnel Development)

A brief introduction: What exactly does "Flex Work" mean at Fraunhofer UMSICHT?

Jana Rolshoven: For the purposes of our company agreement, "flex work" means working flexibly in terms of time and place at a location of your choice within Germany – for example a private home, coworking space or company workplace. Of course, both statutory and collectively agreed working time regulations must be taken into account. These cannot be overridden by a company agreement.


Medi van Rheinberg: In addition to this framework, the team charter is also an integral part of "Flex Work" at Fraunhofer UMSICHT. It regulates what flexible working looks like in practice for each department: For example, do we have fixed days on which we are on site (together)? How do we organize teamwork? Do we need clearly communicated service times? And how do we train new colleagues?

It is necessary for this charter to be reviewed every year and, if necessary, adapted to new circumstances. For example, in the event that new team members with new needs and framework conditions join the team. If desired, this revision can also be accompanied by a neutral moderator – you are welcome to contact the HR development department in this regard.

The first company agreement came into force in October 2020. What is your conclusion after four years of "Flex Work"?

Medi van Rheinberg: This is primarily positive. We keep getting feedback that, above all, job satisfaction has increased thanks to “Flex Work”. This is due, for example, to the fact that professional activities and care work – be it looking after children or caring for relatives – can be better reconciled. But it is also due to the fact that private appointments (e.g. with the doctor), sports sessions or longer periods of relaxation can be easily incorporated into the working day. And – not to forget – many of our colleagues really appreciate not having to commute every day.

Jana Rolshoven: Fraunhofer UMSICHT's attractiveness as an employer has also increased further thanks to "Flex Work". At least that's the feedback we get in job interviews. The fact that each team decides on the basis of the company agreement how work is organized is a positive surprise for many. In addition, we are now also of interest to applicants who would not have considered us without "Flex Work" because they live too far away to commute every day.

Why was it necessary to revise the works agreement?

Jana Rolshoven: The pilot company agreement has been regulated for a limited period. During this pilot phase, we experienced different working realities. The pilot phase was particularly characterized by the rules established during the pandemic. With regard to "FlexWork", our approach has proved successful in some respects, but there have also been areas of learning. In addition to the use of flexible work locations, "Flex Work" in the sense of the NewWork@Fraunhofer model also means being on site and engaging in a creative exchange with the team. With the new company agreement, we want to achieve a far better balance between working from home and working on site. In other words, to re-establish collaborative working at the institute and make it more attractive. We have once again sharpened the content of the collaboration aspect in the team charter template. With the help of a whole range of communication tools provided by our IT department, most of the UMSICHT teams have managed to stay in creative contact even during coronavirus. But for some topics, it is simply better to meet on site and work on them in person. The current team charter template helps us to reflect on and agree on this point.

Medi van Rheinberg: In addition, we support managers and teams with development measures on the topic of collaboration, such as topic-specific training, coaching, team supervision or, in cases of conflict, internal or external mediation. In these formats, managers and teams are supported in optimizing their collaboration and reducing disruptions in order to bring the creative work together into a very good "work flow".

How is this reflected in the new works agreement?

Medi van Rheinberg: In the documents for the creation of the team charter in particular, we have placed a stronger focus on collaboration. We recommend that every department question how they can optimize collaboration within the team and with the rest of the institute. This does not necessarily mean that we will be on site every Friday from now on! It can also mean introducing new formats for exchange and collaboration. Be it agile elements or a regular team day, e.g. at the institute or in a coworking space. We also offer support with this process in the form of moderation or supervision.

What are the other changes to the works agreement?

Jana Rolshoven: One change concerns our trainees and research assistants resp. Student TVöD employees. They should also have the option – always in consultation with their supervisors – to live "Flex Work" to a certain extent. In addition, data protection and IT will play a bigger role than before.

Medi van Rheinberg: A new addition is a section on onboarding new colleagues. We recommend working on site at the institute for six weeks at the beginning – with appropriate support from the team members. Independently of this, we invite new employees to an onboarding day in Oberhausen several times a year. This provides an opportunity to find out more about the institute, get to know the UMSICHT team even better and network well.

Is there already a date for the next adjustment of the works agreement?

Jana Rolshoven: The new works agreement is limited to four years. We will revisit the issue in 2028 at the latest. If there are any major changes to the law, we will of course do so before then.