Environment and Resources

Kompetenz Umwelt und Ressourcennutzung
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We are rethinking process and wastewater treatment – wastewater is both a residual material and a resource: it can supply entire greenhouses with its nutrients and, after treatment, can be recycled in production processes for months or even years. Water is essential and should be available everywhere in sufficient quantities and good quality.

In addition to traditional solutions, we use light as a versatile tool for increasing the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes as well as for high-performance food production systems. Fraunhofer UMSICHT is one of the pioneers in Germany for building-integrated food production. Our team is set up in an interdisciplinary manner to reflect this diversity of topics. Our expertise covers process, water and wastewater technology as well as plant cultivation in a controlled environment.


Resource Recovery

Our research team stands for the development and implementation of innovative technologies for the sustainable use of resources and the circular economy. One of the central focuses of our research is the recovery of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen from industrial and municipal wastewater using membrane and ion exchange processes. In view of the increasing demand for lithium, we are also focusing on innovative methods for the sustainable extraction of this valuable metal from salt lakes in South America and geothermal brines in Germany. With our expertise, we offer customized, resource-oriented water management concepts for industrial customers.

Another focus is water supply for the production of green hydrogen. We provide information, offer site and regional analyses, identify and resolve conflicts of use and conduct systemic research (technology assessment). In addition, we develop technologies that make alternative water sources such as wastewater treatment plant effluents, industrial wastewater or brackish water usable for electrolysis.



Our mission is to develop innovative technologies to enable sustainable and efficient plant production in controlled environment. Our research focuses on precisely controlling environmental conditions to increase not only yield but also plant quality while minimizing energy consumption. To this end, we are developing novel approaches in the field of sensor technology to obtain information non-destructively and in real time throughout the entire cultivation cycle. Using statistical methods, we extract valuable insights that form the basis of various prediction models.  We also rely on demand-oriented light recipes and efficient cycle management for the crops supply of resources.


Reference projects of the department Environment and Resources | Information material of the department Environment and Resources

Reference projects of the department Environment and Resources


Circular PhytoREVIER

Herbal, aromatic and medicinal plants from the Rhineland

The “Circular PhytoREVIER” innovation laboratory offers a platform for developing new biogenic value-added cycles in the Rhineland region. The goal: sustainable production of sufficient quantities of high-quality herbal, medicinal and medical plants.



production of
berry crops

The "inBerry" project shows how modern technology and innovative cultivation methods can shape the future of agriculture in order to meet the challenges of climate change and security of supply.



Intelligent LED lighting

The “LightSaverAI” project creates the basis for an intelligent lighting system that analyzes and adjusts the light requirements of plants in indoor farms in real time.




Building-integrated agriculture in urban areas: inFARMING® links production systems and building infrastructures so that resource and energy flows can be used sustainably for growing food.



Proteins extraction from plants and its LCA

In the FutureProteins project, several Fraunhofer institutes are pursuing the goal of developing pioneering technologies for protein supply from plants, algae, insects and fungi as an alternative to animal-based foods.



Biorefinery in the dairy industry

Europe is facing the major challenge of being able to meet the demand for protein-rich products. As part of the “DARE2CYCLE” project, we are developing processes for converting carbon- and nitrogen-rich waste from the dairy industry into alternative protein sources.



Filters for textile

The development of a filter module for washing machines is intended to reduce microplastic emissions from textiles during washing in order to protect the environment. During development, bio-based materials and biological models will particularly be taken into account.



Identification and
quantification of plastic films used in agriculture

Method development for the identification and quantification of microplastics and agricultural plastics in soils and their effect on soil ecosystems, with focus on mulch films.



Tire and road wear
particles in Germany

The spread of tire and road wear particles in Germany is being investigated, modeled and presented based on extensive mobility, geo and weather data.

Information material of the department Environment and Resources

You will find the complete press releases at the respective links marked (press release).



Sustainable concepts for plant production

Building-integrated system solutions