***Please note: Carbon2Chem® is entering its third phase. This page will be updated accordingly. It currently contains information from the second project phase.***
Work in phase 1
In subproject L2 “Sustainable Methanol Production”, Fraunhofer UMSICHT set up and began operating a methanol plant on a pilot-plant scale on the Institute’s own campus, and was already able to produce small quantities of methanol in the first long-term tests. In various plants in the laboratory and technical center, pure and real gases were used to investigate how catalysts used in industry generally behave when using byproduct gases from steel mills. In particular, the gas composition was varied with regard to the proportions of CO, CO2, and N2. The effects of these changes in core parameters were investigated in terms of productivity, selectivity, and stability of the catalysis.
Aims in phase 2
L-II “Dynamic Methanol Production from Steel Mill Gases” in the second project term aims to specifically elaborate the process concepts developed in the first project term with regard to producing methanol from the byproduct gases from steel mills. The scale-up of the laboratory to the pilot plant in the technical center is a particular focal point. As part of longer tests and test series, statements should particularly be made on the robustness and long-term stability of the catalysts used. The results serve, among other things, as the basis for the economic and ecological system evaluation.