Higher Alcohols

Carbon2Chem® subproject L-IV

***Please note: Carbon2Chem® is entering its third phase. This page will be updated accordingly. It currently contains information from the second project phase.***


Work in phase 1

In subproject L4 “Higher Alcohols”, Fraunhofer UMSICHT supported the consortium in testing heterogeneous catalysts. In a parallel reactor, up to seven different catalysts were tested and evaluated under exactly the same reaction conditions. In this way, it was possible to quickly screen the prepared catalysts, and promising samples could be selected for more in-depth investigations. In two further laboratory testing facilities, it was possible to also add alcohols – specifically methanol – to the feed gas flow in addition to the syngas components CO, CO2, and H2. Besides intensive measurements of the gas composition and reaction conditions, these facilities also made it possible to explicitly investigate methanol homologation and evaluate the possibility of MeOH recirculation. Conclusions can also be made concerning the macrokinetics of the reaction.

Aims in phase 2

In the second project term for L-IV “Higher Alcohols”, an overall catalytic process should be developed to directly convert treated byproduct gas into short-chain alcohols, olefins, and synthetic fuels and progress to the demonstration stage. Prospects and options for market-oriented reprocessing are being developed for the resulting product mixture.

Information material Carbon2Chem® subproject "Higher Alcohols"

Project structure

Carbon2Chem® brings together basic research, applied research and industries. A look at the structure of this collaboration.

Project contents

Information on the two funding phases

 Partners in Subproject L-IV
Management at Fraunhofer UMSICHT Dr.-Ing. Heiko Lohmann
Competence of the department Chemical Energy Storage
Partners Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Ruhr University Bochum
RWTH Aachen University
thyssenkrup AG
Overall management of the subproject
Evonik Operations GmbH

Interviews on the subproject “Higher Alcohols“


Subproject Manager / 17.2.2021

Dorit Wolf

"For a process that is not yet commercially available, we were able to identify the most promising development approach in catalytic processes in the first phase."


Scientists / 2.10.2021

Heiko Lohmann and Thomas Wiesmann

"We have managed to get many industry partners and research institutions to collaborate together to achieve the major objective."