CO2 Sources and Infrastructure

Carbon2Chem® subproject L-I

***Please note: Carbon2Chem® is entering its third phase. This page will be updated accordingly. It currently contains information from the second project phase.***


Work in phase 1

Subproject L1 “Water Electrolysis” investigated the possibilities of providing the necessary climate-neutral hydrogen. The focus here lay on producing hydrogen by means of water electrolysis using volatile renewable energies. A larger plant in the technical center and smaller test stations with different electrolysis processes were operated for this purpose. In particular, it was possible to investigate more closely the aspect of degradation during dynamic operation in the laboratory and in the technical center.

Aims in phase 2

In the second project phase, the focus in subproject L-I “CO2 Sources and Infrastructure” lies on other CO2-intensive industries such as the cement and lime industry, as well as thermal waste treatment. Solutions that have already been developed should be transferred to these industrial sectors and thus provide evidence that the Carbon2Chem® technology modules are able to minimize cross-industrial CO2 emissions, also making them transferrable to smaller locations. This transformation is a long process and requires sufficient availability of renewable energy and hydrogen. As part of L-I, this transformation path and the effects on the availability of CO2/CO over time should be investigated. This also includes consideration of the necessary infrastructure for hydrogen and CO2.

Information material Carbon2Chem® subproject "CO2 Sources and Infrastructure"

Subproject L-I

CO2 Sources and Infrastructure

Project structure

Carbon2Chem® brings together basic research, applied research and industries. A look at the structure of this collaboration.

Project contents

Information on the two funding phases

 Partners in subproject L-I
Management at Fraunhofer UMSICHT Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Seifert
Competence of the department Low Carbon Technologies
Partners Thyssen Asset Management Ltd.
Fraunhofer UMSICHT
REMONDIS Assets & Services GmbH & Co. KG
Lhoist Germany Rheinkalk GmbH
Overall management of the subproject
thyssenkrupp AG

Interviews on the subproject “CO2 Sources and Infrastructure“


Subproject Manager / 24.2.2021

Nina Kolbe

"Tighter climate targets and a change in awareness in society have led more and more CO2-intensive industries to set themselves the goal of climate neutrality."