
Carbon2Chem® subproject L-V

***Please note: Carbon2Chem® is entering its third phase. This page will be updated accordingly. It currently contains information from the second project phase.***


Work in phase 1

In subproject L5 “Carbon2Polymers” during the first phase, research was conducted into the possibilities of using CO and CO2 from byproduct gases from steel production to produce polymers. Alongside the technical development, a further component in the first project term was the conducting of an economic and sustainability analysis for the developed production processes.

Aims in phase 2

As part of the second project term for L-V “Carbon2Polymers”, new (partial) processes for producing polycarbonates should be researched and developed. As a significant growth in demand for these materials is also to be assumed in the future, there is high potential for a long-term synergy between CO2-intensive industries such as steel mills and the plastic industry. The use of byproduct gases as a material gives the chemical plastics industry access to an alternative raw material basis, thus reducing the use of fossil raw materials such as crude oil.

Information material Carbon2Chem® subproject "Carbon2Polymers"

Project structure

Carbon2Chem® brings together basic research, applied research and industries. A look at the structure of this collaboration.

Project contents

Information on the two funding phases

 Partners in Subproject L-V
Partners Max Planck Institute for Coal Research
RWTH Aachen University
Overall management of the subproject
Covestro Deutschland AG

Interviews on the subproject “Carbon2Polymers“


Scientist / 15.3.2023

Kai Leonhard

"From my point of view, the progress in creating quantitative reaction models for the phosgenation reactions is impressive."