HyCoFC: Hybrid compound bipolar plates

Development of a scalable production method for hybrid compound bipolar plates and a cus-tomized stack concept

Hybrid-Compound Bipolarplatte

The Hy-Co-BPP consists of a metallic carrier foil and a conductive compound foil.

Project goals: Increasing the performance and long-term stability of fuel cells

The HyCoFC project focuses on the development of a cost-effective and scalable production method for hybrid compound bipolar plates (Hy-Co-BPP) and a customized fuel cell stack concept. The main objective is to increase the performance and long-term stability of fuel cells. The Hy-Co-BPP consists of a metallic carrier foil (material thickness approx. 100 µm) and a conductive compound foil (material thickness approx. 150 µm). The production of the compound foil is based on a process patented by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, in which a compound of dry-mixed plastic filler powders is formed into continuous foils using a scalable rolling mill process. The compound foil produced in this way is then bonded to a specially adapted metallic carrier foil using a calender. The composite material is provided with flowfield structures in a continuous process by roll embossing and then joined to form bipolar plates. Overall, the project aims to further develop the innovative foils for the specific requirements of fuel cell stacks in heavy-duty applications and to establish cost-efficient, scalable processes.

The project consortium covers all essential development and process steps – from the simulation-based design of the hybrid-compound bipolar plates and the adjustment of the surface properties of the metallic carrier foil, to the development of the compound foil and the production of the embossing rollers required for continuous manufacturing, as well as the laser-based joining and structuring techniques for the individual components. The assembly and validation of the hybrid-compound fuel cells, along with a final technology assessment, complete the project.

Project benefits: Reduce production costs of fuel cells

The Hy-Co-BPP combines the advantages of metallic bipolar plates with the benefits of compound bipolar plates. The metallic carrier foil ensures high mechanical stability, while the compound foil offers excellent corrosion resistance. With the help of a foil-like, thin-walled Hy-Co-BPP, large-format fuel cells based on a compound material with a corresponding service life for both mobile applications (commercial vehicles) and stationary applications can be addressed for the first time.

A particular advantage of the HyCoFC approach is the high mechanical resistance of the hybrid compound foils compared to solutions without a metallic carrier foil. This prevents the plastic from creeping, which is one of the key challenges for ultra-thin compound foils in fuel cell applications.

Project results: Optimizing fuel cell production with a view to sustainabil-ity and economic efficiency

  • Development of a cost-effective and scalable production method for hybrid compound bipolar plates (Hy-Co-BPP) for the "commercial vehicles" application field
  • Implementation of customized fuel cell stack concepts tailored to the specific requirements of heavy-duty applications
  • Increasing the service life of mobile fuel cells to over 30,000 hours
  • Comprehensive electrochemical and degradation characterization of the developed components (bipolar foils and stack) to validate performance and long-term stability
  • Evaluation of the technological developments with regard to technical, ecological and economic aspects in comparison to state-of-the-art components

Project partners

  • Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe
  • FEV Europe GmbH
  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT
  • Clean-Lasersysteme GmbH
  • Schepers GmbH & Co. KG

Funding reference

Co-funded by the European Union
Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen



The project "HyCoFC – Long-term stable fuel cell technology through innovative hybrid compound bipolar plates" is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia as part of the Energy.IN.NRW innovation competition with funds from the ERDF/JTF program NRW (co-financed by the European Union). Funding Code: EFRE-20800355. Duration: June 15, 2024 to December 31, 2027.