Announcement UMSICHT Science Award 2021

Science communication: Focusing on the target group

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Announcement UMSICHT Science Award 2021 Science communication: Focusing on the target group The year 2020 and, in particular, the media attention surrounding the Corona pandemic show how important it is to communicate scientific topics in a comprehensible and target group-oriented manner and what a high priority science has. The UMSICHT Science Award aims at promoting the dialog between science and society and is being presented for the 12th time by the UMSICHT Friends and Patrons Group. Now, the go-ahead has been given to send applications in the categories science and journalism.

Preisträger UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis 2020 in der Kategorie Wissenschaft: Dr. Pattarachai Srimuk.
© Privat
Winner of the UMSICHT Science Award 2020 in the science category: Dr. Pattarachai Srimuk.
Preisträger des UMSICHT-Wissenschaftspreis 2020 in der Kategorie Journalismus: Adrian Lobe.
© Privat
Winner of the UMSICHT Science Award 2020 in the journalism category: Adrian Lobe.
The winners of the UMSICHT Science Award 2019
© Fraunhofer UMSICHT/Ilka Drnovsek
The winners of the UMSICHT Science Award 2019 among board, partners and sponsors. Dr.-Ing. Kai Mainzer wins with a topic on urban energy systems in the field of science. In the journalism category Christopher Schrader receives the award for his article "Die Ökobilanz der E-Mobilität".

Currently, science communication is in high demand – more than ever – as reflected by the enormous media coverage during the Corona pandemic. For a long time now, researchers are having their say even outside the science community and are sought-after interview partners. A large number of instruments are available to those involved: In addition to traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, radio or TV, these increasingly include online media and social media channels. This bandwidth has both advantages and disadvantages: On the one hand, a rapid flow of information is possible, and different sources can be consulted and compared with each other. On the other hand, false information spreads rapidly and unfiltered.

Therefore, it is very important to use language that is appropriate for the target group and enables that information reach the recipient directly and unambiguously. Such prepared articles support the dialog between science and society as well as mutual trust.

Communicating scientific results in an understandable way

The UMSICHT Friends and Patrons Group honors people with the UMSICHT Science Award who render precisely these contributions with their work. Potential award winners work out excellently scientific results from the fields of environmental, process and energy technology – the core topics of Fraunhofer UMSICHT –and make them accessible to society. The prize will be awarded for the 12th time in 2021 in the categories science and journalism and is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros.

Science category

In the assessment process, special attention is paid to the scientific level and the sustainable benefit of the work for the environment and society. Special emphasis is placed on the degree of innovation, the market proximity and application readiness as well as on a well comprehensible and convincing presentation. In addition to dissertations, final reports, studies, but also white papers etc. are welcome.

Journalism category

In journalism, the media form is open. Print, online, audio, video: Anything goes. The clear and comprehensible presentation of a socially and scientifically relevant topic as well as the independence of the statements are important evaluation criteria. Published individual and collaborative works are accepted.

Apply online now

All published papers dealing with environmental, process or energy technology are eligible. The works must not be older than two years and can be submitted in German or English. Pure concepts, photographic works, books as well as unpublished works cannot be accepted for the UMSICHT Science Award. In the case of collaborative works, it has to be ensured that the head performer submits the work. Application documents include: the published research paper or publication (an abstract of the paper if it exceeds 10 pages), application form/ declaration of consent including CV (completed and signed).

Applications will be accepted until March 7, 2021.

=> to the application (German site)


Information on the UMSICHT Friends and Patrons Group

The UMSICHT Friends and Patrons Group (UMSICHT-Förderverein) is an essential element of a lively and efficient environment of the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT. The members of the group support the institute in the realization of research and development ideas in the areas of energy, processes and products. In addition, the group participates in the organization of congresses and seminars, promotes young and visiting scientists, and announces the UMSICHT Science Award.

Wissenschaftsforum Ruhr e. V.

The Wissenschaftsforum Ruhr e. V. forms a network as a working group, in particular of non-university research institutes in the Ruhr region, which promotes the cooperation of the research institutions in the region and represents them externally and is committed to strengthening the scientific culture.


The UMSICHT Science Award is under the patronage of Prof. Dietrich Grönemeyer, MD, Chairman of the Executive Board of Wissenschaftsforum Ruhr e. V.

Partners of the UMSICHT Science Award

AGR mBH | Energieversorgung Oberhausen AG | HATECHNO – Hoffmann angewandte Technologien GmbH | Loick Bioenergie GmbH | Meier-Ebbers – Architekten und Ingenieure | ML Power Tech GmbH | PLANiT-DIGITAL | Sparkasse Oberhausen

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