Glossaries and FAQs

Terms relating to sustainable plastics, the carbon cycle and microplastics briefly explained

How do biodegradable and compostable plastics differ? What are metallurgical gases? And what are the consequences of microplastics in the environment? For our glossaries and FAQs, scientists from Fraunhofer UMSICHT have briefly explained important terms from the fields of environmental, safety and energy technology. Of course, the list is being continuously expanded ...


Definitions and information on the origin, effects and consequences of plastics in the environment are compiled in this FAQ - starting with the distinction between macro and micro plastics up to tips for reducing plastic emissions.

Tyre wear

Information on effects and consequences.

Carbon cycle

How can metallurgical gases that are produced in steel production be exploited as a source of raw materials for the chemical industry? This question is at the center of the Carbon2Chem® joint project. Important terms from the research context are explained in the glossary.