Positions and discourse

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Independent information and factual knowledge

We assess and evaluate topics that currently occupy society, science, and business: independently and neutrally.

Impetus to participate

Our goal is to use factual knowledge to put emotional debates on an objective basis and to make contributions to participation processes. At the same time, we show whether and where we see a contribution to solving social challenges and where we can make a contribution beyond that.

Discuss current topics from society, science, and business with us.

Read our position papers UMSICHT nimmt Stellung (UMSICHT takes position). Form your own opinion. Question us. Tell us what moves you. We are happy to discuss with you. Get in touch directly with the authors, whose contact details are given in the respective position paper or special issue.

Independent information and factual knowledge ˮUMSICHT takes positionˮ

Recycling technologies for plastics

Fuels of the future

Recycling of bioplastics

LCA of plastics
